ran gpu bare bones with geforce experience and GPU tweak uninstalled)

checked all physical power connections(leds all showing good) made sure applications were selected as priority tried different refresh rates (60hz,100hz,144z) completely unplugged gpu and reinstalled fresh tried installing previous nvidia drivers Made sure bios and all mobo related drivers were up to date settings on performance (bios,windows,and nvidia control panel) I wouldn't suspect my gpu be a bad card beings it worked flawlessly already? I put my gtx960 in this rig and it runs fine. Let me know if you guys want some benchmarks and/or screenshots of values. Like i said, the rig ran fine not long ago on these same settings and was using the GPU fully. Its been kinda frustrating and I have been trying to diagnose/fix the problem all day. I use gsync (vsync off) and use 'gaming mode' in GPU Tweak II. I have assured that my power settings are all set to performance. I have no overclocking settings active and I have all updated drivers and updated bios. My CPU seems to do fine and has no sign of throttling. I have a new rig(specs below) and it has been doing fine for a month, but now all of a sudden I am getting very low frame rates in games(19-30 fps) on any settings.that before were running smooth 120+ fps on high to ultra settings.